Archived Content 2012 - 2013
This website is one of many focused on search engine optimization (SEO) that have been restored and archived for use in Bill Swenton's course "The Constantly Changing Face Of Search." Mr. Swenton previously managed a search marketing agency known for their work pushing competitive search terms to the top of Google's search results. In the course, he discusses the successes and failures resulting in efforts to market products and services exclusively through search, and the risks these marketers incur in the process. His most widely known efforts involved the marketing of Batman apparel, specifically T shirts of Batman movies for online retailer Moon At Midnight. Batman is a hugely popular iconic figure who represents a model for the study of the licensing marketplace due to the very large number of outlets competing for consumers attention. Batman products are already available on Amazon, Etsy, and numerous local stores - the definition of a saturated market where only the most skillful will succeed. The case study involves measurement of the competitive difficulty in ranking a mass market product where hundreds of competitors are already present, the tactics that can trigger a Google penalty, and the off site promotion efforts that can lead to better results. This course is oversubscribed, and digital marketing majors are given first choice, so interested students need to sign up early to get on the waiting list. Mr. Swenton's webpage has more information on further reading material and the full syllabus.
The BizSuccessCenter was a Father and Daughter team who had started and grown many Internet businesses. They had a knack for getting online niche websites to the first page of Google in the search.
Content is from the site's 2010 - 2013 archived pages as its own design and presentation evolved providing just a glimpse of what this site offered interested businesses.
NOTE: This domain is no longer owned by Robert Hamilton. The new owner of the site chose to keep an edited version of the original content as a historical record of the SEO, Web Design and Search Engine Marketing work that this father / daughter duo offered. We wish them well.
Press Release
Portland SEO for Your Search Engine Optimization Needs
Monday, September 17, 2012 |
USA, September 17, 2012- One of the most important driving factors for an internet based business, as well as a brick and mortar business, is the visibility online. If your website is visible, i.e. if during any internet search, your website figures on the first page of Google search engine or at least the second page, then you are visible and seem to be well established. There are a number of search engine optimization web based companies that can help you become visible to the internet user and help your business thrive. Options available for web based companies are search engine optimizers like Biz Success Center, a Portland SEO firm started by a father and daughter team, Bob and Jenny. Bob and Jenny have been in business for over a decade now. They have the skills, expertise and experience and have propelled many businesses to top rankings in the search engines. They have been instrumental in turning around the fates of many businesses by increasing their visibility in the search engines, driving more customers and traffic to their websites – thus greatly increasing sales.
Biz Success Center is not just a search engine optimization tool but also into content development, website development and search engine marketing. If during an initial search on the internet, your company does not figure on the first page then there is a high likely hood that the user will not browse thru further pages – making you virtually invisible. Biz Success Center is a one stop shop for all your needs and makes your visibility enhanced through its services.
“I have never seen such exciting results in such a short time. Biz Success Center made my website visible on the first page of Google and we are ranked first in our field”, says one really excited client of Portland SEO. “We produce dynamic results for your search engine results and ensure you stay on top”, says one proud employee. Portland search engine optimization has been there for over a decade now and is a well-established SEO service provider. For all your web related services, from web designing to content writing to its marketing, Portland SEO provides wide range of services. They even have a online support facility available in which Bob and other experts answer your search engine optimization and other web based queries. Their services have earned them a huge respect in the business circle.
Business Authority Ltd
Web Site Design
About the Business Authority Ltd
Business Authority Limited was established in 2001 and has 5 years of successful online experience. Based in Oregon, their clientele are located throughout the Portland metro area.
• Bob is a published author, speaker and recognized expert writer by multiple online directories. He is a copywriter and has an Executive MBA from the University of Oregon. With almost a decade of successful Internet marketing experience, he is a wealth of information and is eager to share it with his clients. Bob’s business experience includes almost eighteen years in senior management with an international high tech firm. He has helped businesses of all kinds start, grow and successfully address roadblocks in their path to success.
• Jenny is a Computer Information Services and Internet Marketing expert. She has ten years of successful website design and development, and Internet marketing experience. As our website design and development manager, Jenny brings technical expertise and a practical approach to the repair, design or development of effective websites.
• Jamie Cignetti joined us in a temporary role as program/project manager in 2012. Jamie is a graduate in International Business from Cal Poly. Jamie is an expert problem solver and uses her project management skills to insure our programs and systems are leading edge.
Together, Bob and Jenny - a Father and Daughter team have started and grown many Internet businesses. They have a knack for getting online niche websites to the first page of Google. If you're interested in gaining a strong online presence contact us today for a free consultation
Who We Serve
- Local: Since 2001 we have taken great pride in serving local on- and off-line businesses in the Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Salem, and Vancouver areas. We love supporting local businesses both in our home state and nation wide!
- National: We also support larger companies that have a national presence and more competitive keywords
- We make our services available to businesses of all sizes and budgets
Did you know? The Stats
Business owners know it is paramount to have their website positioned well on Google and other search engines. If you are not on Page 1 of Google, the odds are almost zero that prospective clients searching for your business will ever find you.
In fact, 4 out of 5 of your prospective clients start their search online…NOT in the Yellow Pages! Yet sadly, even if you have built the best website ever, if it’s buried on Page 6 of the Google search results your prospective customers will not find you.
- Of those searching for your business, 85% will never even look past the first page of search results. Of the remaining 15% only about 1% look past Page Two of the search results.
- This means that 99% of the people who use the Internet to find your business never look past Page Two of the search results!
- If you are not on page one of Google and the other search engines, your website is not providing the powerful results you need. In other words, you are invisible.
- Higher brand awareness and credibility – people trust Google
- Learn more about the importance of internet marketing on our Blog, and our Services.
Get The Most Bang For Your Buck! – SEO is a VALUE STRATEGY
Organic Search Results = high, measurable ROI marketing strategy
Low cost compared to PPC or Adwords. Holistic marketing strategy
Added value – you can collect data from traffic to help you hone your other marketing efforts
Results are lasting – not like a paid ad that stops. Once you rank, your link is there – just requires maintenance to keep it. Investment is not lost, work done does not disappear
- Everyone, including your competition, knows it’s paramount for business to be on the first page of Google. It’s time to take action to get there.
- We are SEO experts. We get our clients noticed with high rankings on Google and other major search engines. After all, you can have the greatest website in the world, but if no one can find it you might as well be invisible.
- Contact us for a Free Consultation; make sure to ask about our new client discounts!
Our Services
- Search Engine Optimization
- Website Design and Development
- Online/Offline Support Programs
- Custom Link Building Programs
- On-Page Search Engine Optimization
- Online Traffic Generation
- Article Marketing
- Press Release
- Autoresponder to your Existing
- Website
- Blog and Forum Commenting Site
- Update Packages
- Mobile Media Programs
- Website Troubleshooting and Repair
- Web Hosting Services
Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing Portland and Across the U.S.
Business owners know it is paramount to have their website positioned well on Google and other search engines. If you are not on Page 1 of Google, the odds are almost zero that prospective clients searching for your business will ever find you.
In fact, 4 out of 5 of your prospective clients start their search online…NOT in the Yellow Pages! Yet sadly, even if you have built the best website ever, if it’s buried on Page 6 of the Google search results your prospective customers will not find you.
So here you sit with your site buried somewhere on Page 5, 6 or 10 of Google. Of those searching for your business, 85% will never even look past the first page of search results. Of the remaining 15% only about 1% look past Page Two of the search results.
This means that 99% of the people who use the Internet to find your business never look past Page Two of the search results!
If you are not on page one of Google and the other search engines, your website is not providing the powerful results you need. In other words, you are Invisible.
We are a team of experienced SEO experts available to provide support for your business today.
We help businesses achieve search engine results they never thought possible. Whether it is a single keyword or totally dominating a niche, we can achieve results for the clients we accept.
Portland WebSite Development
No Website? No Problem. Let our professional designers and developers create a search engine friendly for you today.
Websites professionally designed and developed to meet your specific needs. Already have a website, but it is not performing the way you want? Let one of our professional website designers and/or copywriters examine it. We will provide a custom bid after we have analyzed your site
Every business looking to succeed should have an online presence
No Website? No Problem. Let our professional designers and developers create a search engine friendly for you.
Why is a beautiful website important?
A website is like a display window to the world, showcasing your company for all to see. Looking as beautiful as possible is a key factor in future clicks to your site.
Why should it be optimized?
In the age of mobility, customers are no longer bound to home or office pc’s. Having a site optimized for mobile devices is key to having a meaningful experience at their leisure. It also increases the chance of exposure; those on the go are more likely to share your site if it’s mobile than otherwise.
What can a better site do for your business?
Users come to a site to find information. A better site will supplement that information more efficiently.
Introducing Edublogs
Educators use Edublogs for various purposes – such as a way to chronicle their journeys akin to an online diary, to gather relevant information on certain subjects, to enhance their teaching experience, and to communicate with their fellow educators in the online world. No matter your purpose, you will find that being an active member of Edublogs puts a vast store of principles and practices, as well as thousands of possible contacts from around the world, at your fingertips. Basically, Edublogs allows a user to create and manage their customized blog to serve their unique purpose. Customization comes in many forms but it can be done with all types of content including text blogs, photos, videos and podcasts. Selections include over 140 themes, widgets, backgrounds and colors, and the domain name can also be customized. As a blogging platform for educators, the classroom tools available at Edublogs are what you might expect; they are tools designed to provide the teacher with total control over the posts, comments and discussions made by students in the blogs. Even the wikis and ePortfolios can be closely monitored and controlled using these tools. Edublogs also make it easy for educators to publish their blog content on the go. This is possible via the iOS and Android apps. Below are a few ways that Edublogs can be maximized: • Share educational materials, links and downloads with your students. You can use the privacy measures like passwords to ensure that only [...]
By Bob Hamilton| Sunday, February 10, 2013|
Putting Tumblr to Use in Your SEO Strategy
By default, Tumblr is one of the most SEO-friendly social networking sites in the Netizen’s universe. Many of its features are actually designed for SEO purposes, which every SE marketer and online business owner should take advantage of. It must be emphasized, nonetheless, that you have lesser control over your customized Tumblelog account with its own domain name in comparison with your independently-hosted website. But your Tumblelog account is excellent for SEO purposes, namely, as a complimentary blog used for sending traffic via optimized links to your main website. Your opportunities to expand your online reach increases tenfold. The features available to Tumblr users and excellent for SEO purposes are: • Customization of account URL, thus, enhancing credibility among readers • Posts can be published in custom HTML, thus, making it possible to define the URL of individual posts • Post contents can be optimized by using the “Title Attributes” and “Alt Attributes” features as well as using the “Keyword Tags” option • Posts can be shared with others using the “Reblog Option” feature, thus, increasing the audience exposure of the contents. • The “Like” option allows users to link their accounts to the post. The “Keyword Tags” feature is especially useful for SEO purposes because the search engines detect keywords, which improves on-page rankings. The assumption here is that the keywords must be relevant and the posts are useful for readers, too. Indeed, Tumblr is an excellent tool for SEO [...]
By Bob Hamilton| Sunday, February 10, 2013|
About Social Bookmarking
Social networking single-handedly changed the way people share information with others. Search engines remain as a valuable tool for finding the sites you want to check out, but social networking provides a better statistic on what content is really rising in popularity. The success of these social networking platforms sparked some derivatives – one being social bookmarking. Think of social bookmarking as an online service where you share links to websites the same way you would share pictures or videos in a typical social networking site. Some people may also see a social bookmarking website as a convenient service for backing up links so they can access them from other computers or mobile devices. But before of the social networking aspects, social bookmarking sites can be used as useful tools for growing a business website. If you are familiar with SEO or search engine optimization, you should know how important it is to get lots of backlinks so your site’s popularity in search engines increases. Posting a link to the site you want to advertise in a social bookmarking site can count as a backlink since social bookmarking sites allow you to post public links. This means that people can come across your link even if they are not registered with the social bookmarking site. Most social bookmarking sites keep track of how many times a link has been bookmarked so visitors can get an idea on how popular the link is. Because of the ease of sharing [...]
By Bob Hamilton| Sunday, February 10, 2013
Yahoo! Answers is a Creative Way to Generate Traffic to your Website
If you find yourself frustrated because competing sites are attracting more traffic than your website, a good idea would be to figure out what marketing methods they use and consider trying those methods. This leaves people with a choice to check out your site and/or competing sites. If you are confident that your site offers a better experience or products and services than the competition, using disruptive advertising techniques can help. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to these methods alone because creative methods can further improve your traffic generation. One interesting way to generate more traffic is to use Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers may be a surprising choice because it was never meant to be a site for advertisers. But since people can ask about just anything, it is likely for people to ask questions where the answer can be found on your website. This is where you can take advantage and score a backlink on one of Yahoo!’s most active properties. In Yahoo! Answers, you can create a profile where you can use the website you wish to advertise as your “homepage”. Then all you have to do is browse Yahoo! Answers by checking out the category that best fits your site and see which questions you can answer. There is also a search function if you prefer searching the site deeper. When answering a question, it is important that you prioritize the one asking the question and not your advertising. Simply going direct to the [...]
Social Bookmarking Tips
Early social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon created a huge opportunity for bloggers and site owners to attract tons of traffic to their pages. This caused a number of websites to rise in popularity where people would already subscribe to these sites directly. If you have a new online business or blog you want to promote, this is the kind of success that you need if you want lots of sales or ad revenue. But nowadays, more of the focus is on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Fortunately, social bookmarking isn’t anywhere near dead and you can still try out these social bookmarking tips so you too can attract traffic to your site. To get started, try registering in a popular social bookmarking site like StumbleUpon and get a feel of the interface. These sites can evolve significantly so it is best to explore what the site currently offers. Like any other social networking site, you should fill up your profile because people might check it out if they find that you share good links. After that, share as many favorite bookmarks as you can even if you do not manage these sites. Even though social bookmarking is a common place for advertising, it is always good to show to others that you contribute cool or valuable sites alongside advertising. Since you want others to focus more on the site you wish to advertise, you should complement the link with a good bookmark description. If [...]
Is Mobile Marketing for Everyone?
Mobile marketing is presenting opportunities and challenges that every savvy businessman should take advantage of in the interest of increasing profits. Increasing numbers of people are avid users of mobile devices – from cell phones and smart phones to tablets, the competition for effective promotion of products and services is being taken to a whole new level. The benefits of mobile marketing cannot be overemphasized, however not everybody can get the biggest bang for their buck by using mobile marketing strategies. To determine whether your business can benefit from mobile marketing let’s take a look at its pros and cons. Mobile marketing provides for instant results. This is because the recipients of the message almost always have their mobile devices within easy reach; many users today are joined at the hip with their cell phones and smart phones. Studies have shown that recipients of SMS and apps containing mobile marketing messages read the information within 15 minutes after receiving the text, as opposed to online marketing messages which take longer to reach customers. Because the information is contained in a mobile device, the recipients can carry the information around with them. When the time is ripe for action, the information (i.e., when and where to purchase the product and service) is easily accessible. Mobile marketing materials are easier to design than online marketing advertisements. Keep these materials easy to read and easy on the eyes for best results. With such relative simplicity in design, whether [...]
Must-have free applications for your Facebook business page
With social media being such a large part of any good online marketing strategy you’ll want to make sure to stand out from the rest of the businesses in your market. You might even be the best in your market but without the proper profiles, the easy to navigate pages, and the helpful, friendly, communicative layout you won’t be able to succeed online. Luckily, there are a lot of different sites that make it easy for you to draw attention to your business, and just as many or more apps to make perfecting your page and profile easy. Facebook is still the largest of these social media sites and there are a vast array of apps to make your social media presence that much more approachable. Below is a list of some of the best free business applications on Facebook and brief descriptions of them as well. Payment E-Commerce Storefront This payment application makes shopping at your e-store a piece of cake. There’s an easy to use search function for customers that allow them to quickly browse your products and it accepts payments in over 20 different currencies. Easypromos Easypromos is a simple program helps you manage your promotions so that you don’t forget what sales are going on, what promotions are happening at any given moment, and allows you to delete, create and plan them out easily. You can even create competitions for your fans within minutes via Easypromos. Poll Simply called “Poll” [...]
Why Google + is an SEO Necessity
Search engine optimization has the habit of changing all the time, which makes the job of SEO experts rather difficult. Mastering a set of techniques is great but you need to be aware and ready to introduce changes, as soon as Google announces an algorithm change. The launch of Google’s social network changed the rules of the game. From the very start, SEO experts predicted that Google+ will start affecting optimization, and they were correct. Today, participation in the social network is a necessity for good website optimization. Social Signals Social signals are the new “it” thing in the world of SEO. They are used for reputation establishment and many believe that social signals have ended the reign of link building. Social signals are the ones that indicate the audience’s involvement in a social network marketing campaign. The most common ones include Facebook Likes, Google +1s, retweets, repins and comments under publications. Websites that have a bigger number of +1s and a larger Google+ audience tend to perform better in search engine results for particular keywords. Personalization has come to the world of optimization and Google+ participation is the best way to achieve it. The trend is expected to gain even more prominence in the future, which makes participation in Google + mandatory. Local Marketing Google+ brought another important phenomenon to the SEO scene – local optimization. Local optimization is the popularization of a brand, a service or a product inside a particular geographic area. [...]
Pinterest for your Business
Every day social networking gains popularity. People of all ages are setting up pages and profiles, created to share their thoughts, set up meetings, and look for job opportunities or to introduce the world to their products and services, turning their social media efforts into an ever expanding, money-making machine. Social media has come a long way from just MySpace; now we have LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter and more. Pinterest is one of the newer social venues that have gained immense popularity and while originally aimed at those interested in the arts, it has quickly become just as relevant as any of these other sites. By using Pinterest for your business, you’ll have another way to get even more online traffic to your website or blog. While most of us haven’t given Pinterest a lot of thought yet, it looks like we should be because their expansion has opened the door to a variety of interests including photography, small time magazines, small businesses and startups offering an ever growing range of products and services. In less than 3 years, Pinterest has grown to be the third largest social media network out there, with more than 10 million people using it to increase their referral traffic, garner high quality leads, improve conversion rates, and keep their clients coming back for more, if they use the site correctly and often. Going viral is a term we always hear in the online marketplace and it’s a very important concept. Viral [...]
Blogging and Article Writing Tips
Blogging and website content writing may seem deceivingly simple. Once you get started, you will find out that it is trickier and much more challenging than what you initially expected. You are competing against dozens of other blog and website owners that are producing content in the same niche. So, what does it take to stand out, beat the competition and win the loyalty of the typical internet user? The following tricks and tips will help you make it happen. Specialized Content General content will be insufficient to achieve success and to establish your reputation. The more specialized your website is, the easier it will be to create a loyal audience. Start by thinking about the general niche and the sub-topic you are comfortable writing about. Although a specialized audience will be smaller, you will find it much easier to build a long lasting relationship with these people. Write about Something You Know Well Write about a topic that you know well and that you enjoy. Internet users are capable of telling which texts are written by a passionate author and which ones miss the mark. Content writing has to be enjoyable. Topics that fail interesting you will probably result in a boring text. Writing is all about transforming your emotions and knowledge into text. Lacking a positive attitude about the subject will deliver mediocre results. See What the Competition is doing See what other authors are doing and learn from their mistakes. Start [...]

Scholls Valley — Non Profit

Ed Reinstein
Design | SEO

Gourmet Coffee
Design | SEO

Gregg Roofing
Design | SEO

A Taste of Heaven